We manufacture silos for the storage and preservation of flour, rice, drinks, liquids, creams, starches and dietary food powders.
Unconditional guarantee for the agri-food industry
The silos we manufacture are suitable for the industrial storage capacity of any product, whether liquid or powder. Furthermore, our tanks allow for complete emptying, as well as filling, even with different products without any further preliminary cleaning. The internal and external finishes, along with advanced techniques used, make it possible to store food in compliance with current health regulations without any alteration caused by residues or external agents.
Italian agri-food is a noted excellence throughout the world. For this reason, we have an in-depth understanding of this sector, along with important expertise in the design and processing of materials, and we know what is best for each product and semi-finished product.
Silos for every size and product requirement
Silos e serbatoi in acciaio inox settore agroalimentare
We care about your products
The preservation and processing of agri-food products require very delicate phases that can compromise their organoleptic qualities and shelf life. Thanks to the techniques and materials we use, we ensure constant thermal control and the preservation of the physical properties of your ingredients, semi-finished products and products, so that maximum quality and food safety are guaranteed under all conditions.
Solutions for each raw material and product
Each raw material and each product call for different treatment and preservation methods. Our in-depth knowledge of their characteristics, coupled with fifty years of experience in the agri-food sector, enable us to offer silos and systems with the best technical solutions. Benefits include: avoided deterioration, homogeneity constantly guaranteed, the optimisation of storage and complete emptying without residues.
Fermentation, canning, food processing and production companies choose us every day because they know that their products have never been safer
What we do
We manufacture tanks and small to large-sized installations for various industrial sectors, invariably paying strict attention to materials and workmanship.